Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Discover Baguio: MDR Group in Baguio

We headed to Baguio City after witnessing the sunrise at Kiltepan Peak. We had a stop over at a local restaurant and had breakfast. I don't really recommend this restaurant, I'm sorry. I did not like the food either, but the they have big portions good for sharing. It can already satiate your hunger. 

So, here is what we ordered, I shared this with some friends

We also had a quick stop at highest point in Philippine highway.  

Kevin and Ram are my friends in the firm. We have already separated ways, yet I'm still working for the same firm. Time surely has gone fast. 

It was a long trip and obviously everyone was trying to get some rest while inside the van. None of them have seen this photo. No one also know of this blog. I'm blogging this for future references, that I have done a good job living my life. 

Next we headed to the Strawberry farm and tried the popular strawberry ice cream and strawberry taho. I'm not really a fan of strawberry but it is an acceptable flavor for me. 

I apologize for not editing the photos. It's already 2018 yet here I am blogging something from 2015. Heheh!

Then we had lunch at a local restaurant near Tam-awan Village. During this trip I never researched on what to do in Baguio and just relied on the tour paid by our dear group head. Lol. I had no idea where to eat or what kind of places we were visiting. Here are my co-junior associates, Bheng, Ram, Kevin, Chin, Dion, and Den2x. Dion and I are the ones left in the firm as of this moment. Lol!

We ordered their specialty, some kind of noodle dish "pancit" but I forgot what kind of pancit this was. It was not very memorable. 

So here is the entrance

The place is filled with photo worthy art, yet I was using my Samsung S6 back then. 

Here is Anthony. I'll call him Anthony here, he won't read this anyway. Hehehe! He was my senior back then during this trip, then on the same year he was promoted as Supervisor, then in 2016 as Manager. He's amazing at work and he's aware of it. Sadly, after 2016 tax season, he transferred to another group so we're not on the same group anymore, obviously. He's a good manager, I like him. He ordered civet coffee here. He said it tasted good, but not interested. Nuh-uh. 

While the higher ups were having coffee, the junior associates roamed around the village. This is one of my favorite photos of us. 

We had team building that evening. We played team games and had dinner at a local popular restaurant,Solibao, of course paid by the generous MDR. It was freezing that night, I remembered it very well. We were divided into different teams for the games and my team won! We just had too, we haven't had money that time so our budget was limited. The prize was a 500 peso budget each for Tree Top Adventure. 

The following morning we headed to Tree Top Adventure. Of course, the juniors were excited for the rides, while the higher ups (old ones) had coffee at the nearby coffee shop. 

Chin was my partner here. It was fun. But writing this actually makes me a bit sad. Time surely had gone really fast. Chin and I still meet sometimes for a drink or dinner. I had my last date with her and Miss Tina last 2017. 

I had my college tour at Baguio too. But I wanted to post this mandatory photo at the Mansion. 

Then we visited the Laperal White House. It is famous for being haunted but I don't know. I'm not here to write it really was based from my visit. But I like the house design and the furnitures inside. I guess I just love old things, including old house. If it wasn't haunted, I think I'd like to live there. I don't know if it is still open to the public though. 

Bheng and I. 

 Main door with Ram and Bheng. 

On that same day we were headed back to Manila. But we had one last stop at Ebai's Cafe as recommended by Anthony. He studied in SLU Baguio when he was in college so he knows a lot about the city, like where to eat or drink. I went back to Baguio last March 2017 but was not able to visit this place again. There were just so many places to dine in this city. 

This is carrot walnut cake. I like this one. I'd love to eat this again if given the chance. 

So this concludes my North Trip with the MDR group. Next would be my experience of visiting different places due to inventory count. It's year-end, thus needed. 

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