Thursday, January 1, 2015

Discover Tablas Island, Romblon: Looc Bay Marine Refuge and Fish Sanctuary

I attended my cousin's wedding last December in Sta. Fe, Tablas Island, Romblon. But our ultimate travel destination was suppose to be Sibuyan Island. However, when we tried to get to the island last December 19, before the wedding and on December 23 after the wedding, the weather wasn't very cooperative. Maybe, going to the island on such a limited time wasn't meant to be. Anyway, we maximized the time we had in Tablas Island, and experienced the most of what our time can offer us.

Sta. Fe has barely any internet signal but fortunately Finny had already done advance research for our itinerary. December 21, 2014 was a Sunday which means it is also the rest day of most people from Sta. Fe. Therefore, there was only one or two jeepneys that operated that day. We stayed at my Aunt Nelly's house and she also owns a huge store in town. Luckilly for us, the jeepneys always pass by her house where we had easy access. We left at about 7 a.m. and that same jeepney waited for passengers from the nearby Carabao Island.

The road to Looc was a fun ride. Sometimes there are concrete roads then it stops. More like a connect the dashes kind of road. There were pretty sceneries along the way, but due to road curves, it was kind of hard to take photographs. We arrived at Looc town at about 8 am. A reminder to all travelers, please bring plenty of smaller bills, we weren't able to pay our fare because the jeep's "conductor" doesn't have change for a 500 peso bill. But since, my aunt was pretty known in Sta. Fe, he said that we'll pay him back when we come back in the afternoon. Upon arriving at Looc town, we still had to ride a tricycle to the Looc bay for ten pesos each.

This is the entrance.

The Bantay Dagat and local government officials assigned in the sanctuary tour had their Christmas Party the night before. We felt a little down but of course, giving up is not an option and the weather is fine for sailing too. So we decided to wait for them until 9 a.m. While waiting we stroll around the area and took some photos.

This is a muddy beach so be careful when walking.

Fishermen's boats. A lot of people are actually going to the beach to meet them. Provably to find some fresh catch of the day.

About quarter to 9 we went back and checked if there are already people in the office. Luckilly the boat captain too has arrived. The tour actually costs 100 per person but since there were just the two of us it was considered a special trip and we paid a total amount of 300. There is also additional payment of 50 pesos if you want to rent their life vest and swimming goggles for snorkeling.

The smaller one in front is the one we used. 

I haven't asked what that is, probably a watch tower or something. 

This floating structure is where you can snorkel and feed the fishes. By the way, you should bring along with you crackers or bread so that you'll have something to feed the fishes. Also, bring swimwear and extra clothes if you intend to go on snorkeling. As you can see we weren't very prepared for snorkeling so we just fed the fishes instead.

Plenty of fishes to feed but they are not for sale nor are they for food. 

There are fishes anywhere in this area. Should have gone snorkeling. :((

Finny having her moment. :))

Of course a picture of us to end this entry. We should have really gone snorkeling even if we will be dripping wet on the way to Odiongan. Anyway, hopefully when we come back we will be able to everything that Looc Bay has to offer.

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