Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Discover Guimaras: Our Tales from The Magic Island

It was April of 2013 when I was invited to become a godmother to the granddaughter of my mom's friend. The christening was held at Nueva Valencia church and afterwards we headed to Magic Island Resort. I've always said in my blogs that I am just but a poor traveller. I was able to come to this island because of this event and also my mom was there to take care of all the expenses. I invited my friends, Ayshah, Mesma, and Nikka, to come with me.

I will tell you the story of how we got to the island. I've only been there once so I am not sure if there are any improvements on the resort.

From the church we rode tricycle to this port and waited for the boat to fetch us. This pictures were taken using Ayshah's tab so the quality isn't really that nice and also we we're not that vain before.

These are Aysha, Nikka, and Mesma. 

These were just actually the photos we've taken in the morning the rest were after swimming already. There are pictures on their Facebook page I think, I didn't bother check it. Anyway, the boat travelled through a river which lead to the sea. There were a lot of mangrove trees along the river bank and well, the color of the river is green and obviously muddy, not ideal for swimming.

There were plenty of starfishes on the shore but you can't bring them back home. We just took pictures with it.

I don't really know why it's called Magic Island, but I deduced, that maybe maybe because of the coming of tides. When we arrived, it was high tide which was ideal for island hopping or kayaking, but in the afternoon this was the status of the shore. The shore was actually mainly muddy but there were a few spots surrounding the island which have fine white sound.

The boat wasn't able to bring us back to the port because of low tide. So we docked on the this side of the river and walked back to where the vehicles hired were parked.

The funniest part of this trip was when we tried boating. The boat was good for two people only but the four of us decided to ride it. Obviously, the boat was bound to sink because of excess capacity, the three of them panicked especially Ayshah. I was laughing so hard at our situation that I actually peed (hahaha, I was wearing a swimsuit though). Anyway, the boat just sank but we were okay because as I've said it was low tide already, but those three didn't know much about tides.

Overall, it was a fun experience where everything was almost free. I just love free travels. 

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