Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Discover Guimaras: Nature's Trail Camp and Resort

I have always been fond of exploring places since I was in grade school. I have already explored the location of Nature's Trail even when it wasn't developed yet. There was a "no tresspassing" sign on the property but then of course, my friend, Michelle and I ignored it. I finished my grade school at Sebario Elementary School which is at Barangay Sebario, San Lorenzo, Guimaras. Nature's Trail is located at Barangay Sebaste, Sibunag, Guimaras which just a neighboring barangay of Sebario. You'll know you're in a different municipality already once you've crosses the Sebario Bridge.

I have never come back to Sebario for a long time already since I was busy last year of 2014 with my graduation and board exam review. When my friend, Finny told me she saw this resort in this area, I was a bit scared that it might be located at the land where I have always wanted to put my tropical vacation home, that's why I was so determined to check this place out.

The entrance to the resort.

This is the reception and cafe area. Guests are free to go on sight seeing. They do not charge entrance fee yet.

 You can actually order whatever they have available. There's a huge chance you might not get what you really want.

 How I can I resist not having a photo of me taken here. This is my favorite room in the resort. It has the best view. I haven't asked about the room rates though, it wasn't included in their flyers either.

This is how their rooms look like, each has its own terrace.

Still being developed children's playground I guess.

This path leads to the beach. 

Front view. By the way, those islands have names but I can really pinpoint which is which. Some of which are named, Natung-an, Inampulugan (where Costa Aguada Resort is located), and Os-osan. On the other side of those islands is Negros Island.

Right side. The sand's not white but at least you can have all the privacy you can get here. 

Left side. 

This is like the going down pathway to the beach.

This is their restaurant and bar.

 You can listen to relaxing music played on the stereo.

Complimentary drinks.

Lovebirds playing around. Those bikes and ATV are for rent, I have no idea about the rates just because I wasn't very interested. Hehehe!

While waiting for the food. 

This Pinoy Spaghetti is actually delicious. 

Their Fettuccine Carbonara is too salty for me and not creamy at all. A bit oily actually.  

Their Fish Fillet Sandwich, as I have said, you'll only have what they can serve. 

Toasted bread for the pasta. 

Their food is pricey. Probably more expensive than average Iloilo rates but the food is below average. Too sad. :(

But the view and the wind feels amazing!


These are found at the back door of the restrooms. Funny thoughts!

How to get there:

You can ride jeepneys or vans with the sign Sebaste or Sebario. These jeepneys park at Alibhon, San Miguel, Jordan in front of Julies Bakeshop. Or you can hire a multicab to get there. Jeepney fare's about 30-35 pesos same with the vans. But the way, the vans are not airconditioned and are also packed with passengers, but the road going there is all cemented so I guaranty you a smooth ride.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Discover Guimaras: John B Lacson Ecological Park

It was January 5, 2013 when my mom said that we'll come to her friend's birthday at Alubijod. Alubijod is a popular place in Nueva Valencia, Guimaras where some of the popular white beach resorts are located. I don't know anybody from the family of my mom's friend so I invited two of my friends, Cherryl Lou a.ka. Strawberry, and Mesma. While on our way to Raymen's Beach Resort, an ecopark caught our eyes, and we decided to check the place out. It was already about 4 in the afternoon and we had a race against the setting sun so that we can take photos. So this are the photos we took.

Cherryl Lou at the entrance.

John B Lacson is a university in Iloilo which specializes in maritime courses. 

The entrance to the park costs 100 per person until my last visit of December 2013, I don't know now though. There's an additional of 50 pesos if you want to swim at the beach and another 50 pesos if you want to take a plunge in their pool.

Their Butterfly Garden shows the life cycle of the butterflies but there weren't that much butterflies when we came. Probably because it's was close to dusk already.

This is one of their training facilities. 

Villa Igang is the name of the resort located inside the ecopark.

This bamboo bridge will lead you through the mangrove forest. 

We went up the hills then down to a river going straight to the see. It was such a fun place to explore especially that we only had the place to ourselves.

Some of these structures were actually renovated and changed during that year. 

This is the view from the pool.

I forgot how wide the area of the park was but as you explore you'll get to the resort and you can buy drinks or order food if available there.

Those are actually rooms that you can reserved or rent for the night if you want to stay in.

This was taken inside their restaurant.

More rooms over here.

We weren't able to catch the sun set. Oh well. It was a tiring two hours of that day but we were very happy. So worth the money we paid.

I am not enlarging this, but this was taken on the other beach where the birthday was happening. Heheheh!

Some drinks to end the night. 

I came here again last November 2013 just after Typhoon Yolanda. This is an additional area that was developed. We went her for my friend's birthday, Ayshah.

I went back here last December 30, 2013 for a getaway with my friends. This is actually where the huge waves were splashing last November. Pretty!

This is where you'll pass by going to the cliff.

This is another beach area, different from Villa Igang, they have a name for this place but then, I forgot. Sorry!

This is like a 2 floor apartment which I think costs 15,000 pesos per night, but well, if you want to stay here with a large group of friends with fat wallets, this can be the place for your exclusive beach party. This place ecopark wasn't packed with visitors everytime I came here.

By the way, you can also bring food with you and have a barbecue party here, coz we did, and so you can.

Everytime, friends ask me if I can recommend any good place to go to in Guimaras, I always recommend this place. So if you want to come to Guimaras, visit John B. Lacson's Ecopark at Nueva Valencia. You can also hire a boat here and go island hopping. There's just so much to do in the "island that fits your taste", Guimaras!