Friday, August 14, 2015

Discover Don Salvador Benedicto: Malatan-og Falls

So after we had our breakfast at La Vista Highlands, we rode another bus to Don Salvador, this time paying another for Don Salvador. But along the way we passed by a spring resort, I forgot the name, but we decided to drop at the place when we saw the sign Malatan-og Falls. I've never heard of this place and we just let things happen on their own. So my friends, this is Malatan-og Falls:

This is a shot taken by my S6, the best that I can take and the farthest that we can reach. The road to the falls was slippery and steep and we we're not ready for that kind of undertaking yet. Plus we were carrying heavy bags and we are running out of time.

Look at Finny struggling. Hehe!

We passed by this spring. I tried drinking its water and washed my face. The water was clear, cool and refreshing. 

This picture was taken before we even tried to reach the falls. Don Salvador Benedicto is said to be the "Little Baguio" of Negros due to its high elevation and winding roads. We passed by the capital proper of the municipality and certainly there were plenty of pine trees. I guess we'll be back for the spring resort we passed by.

The next entry might take a little while since I have started working at an audit firm already. But keep on checking for more updates. I sure do wish I get to be assigned at some awesome place to blog.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Discover San Carlos: La Vista Highlands Mountain Resort

We left Dumaguete early in the morning, about 4 am. The bus to San Carlos will leave by 5 am and we do not have time to wait for that. So instead, we rode the bus to Canlaon which will leave in a few minutes. We reached San Carlos about 7 am and we were dropped by the "crossing" which separates the road to San Carlos and Canlaon. So our next ride will either be the bus from Canlaon to San Carlos or any public utility vehicle which will bring us to the bus terminal of San Carlos City. It was a long wait, but finally something to ride on passed by. The picture shows it. Hahaha! That was a fun experience, remembering the fast speed of driving and bumpy roads while sitting next to these fishes. Certainly I would not want to reek of fish smell on the way to Don Salvador till I get home. 

We reached the terminal safe, well, coz we did not smell like fishes. The bus leaves every thirty minutes so we decided to ride on one instead of the van. We paid for Don Salvador but we actually dropped at La Vista. We did not have any plans of dropping by at this place but it would be such a waste to miss it. Therefore, we paid more than what we should. So we had breakfast at this place. It was a cool place. We decided not to come inside because it would be a waste of 150 pesos which already includes a tour of the premises and swimming at the pool. Certainly we had no time for that and more importantly money. The breakfast was pricey though and it wasn't satisfying but we're hungry so we ate all of it. It cost about 150 each or so.  The view though, compensated for the pricey breakfast. 

I have no idea what mountain is that but the view was breathtaking. I don't know if we'll be back here to explore the resort. Maybe when we have more time and money, more of money to be exact.  Till our next destination.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Discover Siquijor: Coastal Tour at Isla de Fuego

After we had our brunch at Gabby's B&B, Nutz brought us to the port where we can ride a boat to Siquijor. It was about 11:30 am already and we had to ride the earliest boat to Dumaguete. We paid 250 pesos for two boat tickets and 15 pesos each for the terminal fee. The boat ride lasted for almost an hour and there are also lots of tourists, especially backpacker foreigners who wanted to explore the mysterious island. Unlike on other ports I have seen so far, the one in Siquijor was clear and clean that you can immediately jump down and enjoy a nice leisurely swim. When we have arrived, we logged in in their tourist log book and we were given a map of the island. There different ways of exploring the island and since we have a limited amount of time, we chose the coastal tour, which as our tour guide and driver had said, we can cover in about 3 hours. We hired a tricycle for the tour which cost us 1000 pesos, it could have been less painful for our wallet if we have more friends with us.

This is our first stop, Capilay's Spring Park. There's this huge swimming pool like filled with greenish water inside the park. 

This is our second stop, Siquijor's centuries old Balete Tree. We paid 5 pesos each for the entrance fee. By the way, it is convenient if you combine your travel funds and let one person handle all funds and pay the expenses. There are a lot of inns and resorts along the coast where you can stay if you plan on staying on the island for days. There are also motorbikes for rent which as my friend, Monica, had said costs 200 pesos for a day, excluding gasoline of course. This way of exploring the island is cheaper if you know how to drive a motorbike of course. 

This is our third stop, Lazi Church. This is a really old church which was opened in 1884. I do love exploring old churches. There is also an old church near the port but we skipped that part. 

The interior. The floor is still made of wood tiles and they're still safe to walk on. 

This is the convent located on the opposite side of the church. 

Our fourth stop, Cambugahay Falls. The most majestic falls I have seen in person so far. It may not be the tallest falls, but it's water is pastel like color. There's a swing like thing here, if you want to experience jumping on water from the swing. 

I recommend you plan your trips on off seasons since you can have plenty of time and space to take photos.

This picture was taken on our way to Maria Church. 

Maria Church. We weren't able to come inside because we were on a hurry to catch the last trip back to Dumaguete. More reasons for us to come back to Siquijor. 

Maria Church's Bell Tower. 

Salagdoong Beach

We were not also able to try jumping off from the cliff since there was a long line for it. And again, we we're in a hurry. Another reason to come back. 

There were still other places we haven't covered in the coastal tour but luckily for us we were able to catch the RORO back to Dumaguete. We did not have the time or money to stay in the island for longer period of time, even for just a night actually. The terminal fee is 14 pesos each and I think there was another 2 pesos each for donation to some kind of organization. But all was well. We'll be back for more Land of Fire! 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Discover Canlaon: Home of the Sleeping Lady and so much more!

From Bacolod City we rode a bus to Canlaon City at about 7 pm. There is no aircon bus so we rode the regular one. It was a long and bumpy ride and we arrived at about 10 in the evening. We had dinner and prepare our stuff for the next day because we have to start early. 

First thing's first, chase the sunrise! 
We were actually approached by a local who offered to tour us around for 300 pesos. Since again we were in a hurry, we accepted the offer though I could have waited for my cousins to tour us. But anyway, it happened already and these are the scenery along the way. 

This is facing Cebu.
There are plenty of vegetables in the area. Canlaon is one of the major providers of vegetables in the Visayas area. 

This is a shot taken near my aunt's house. That's the peak and the crater. There is no vegetation growing near the peak due to the volcanic conditions in the area. It is best that you wake up early in the morning because the clouds are not covering the mountain yet. 

After this we had our breakfast and were preparing to go to San Carlos City, but then my cousin offered to tour us around and he brought us to OISCA Farm. The succeeding photos are taken from the farm. 

That's a century old balete tree, they say. There is a log book for guests. It is best to travel during off peak season since we get to enjoy these places by ourselves. We get to take plenty of pictures with lining up and no photobombers at all. 

This is probably the place which has the best view of all. The man made lake is about 10 meters deep, and Japanese soldiers used to hide treasures there and left the farm to the locals, they say. This is also where I lost my digital camera. Huhuhu! 

Next time, we'll have to challenge ourselves with climbing to the crater of the volcano. The road we trudged was not the best road to travel at all but it was fun and full of adventure. Next stop is San Carlos City. 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Discover Guimaras: Windmills of San Lorenzo and Gateway to Negros Island

Finny and I decided to go backpack travelling to Kanlaon City where I have an aunt who lives there. She is always in charge of doing research on which places we should go to. Since we both have free time and enough money to go on a trip, here's our first stop, the windmills of San Lorenzo, Guimras.

Finny lives in Iloilo City so she made a trip to Guimaras first by going to Ortiz wharf to ride a boat which costs 14 pesos per person. Then she rode a jeepney to Alibjon from Jordan wharf which costs 13 pesos. Then we met up at Mang Tinapay which is near the parking area for Paos jeepney, the jeepney which will bring us to Cabano to ride a boat to Negros. The fare cost 40 pesos each. If you are in a hurry you could hire a motorbike to bring you there which will I guess cost you about 100 - 120 pesos. 

The windmills are scattered in Cabano area. We first secured a ticket to Negros by registering our names in the log and since we still had free time, we roamed around. 

This one was taken atop a hill last December. I came here with my brothers.

This is how it was to travel from Guimaras to Negros. I think there are still other areas along the coast facing Negros island which offers daily trips to Pulupandan. The fare cost us 70 pesos each. 

Once we arrived Pulupandan, there is no proper wharf, just like in Guimaras, the boat was docked in the shore. You still have to ride a tricycle to this point worth 10 pesos each. This is the place were you get to ride public vehicles to Bacolod or Bago or even to Canlaon City.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Discover Negros Island: Bago

Our ultimate purpose of coming to Bago City is to visit Kipot Falls which is located in Ma-ao. From Pulupandan we rode a jeepney to Bago City which cost us 8 pesos each. It was just a short ride to the city. So since we are already at a new place we wanted to try something new of course. There are plenty of options as to where you can it at the city proper but since Bantayan Park is just a trike ride away, we decided to visit the place. 

This is the entrance of the park. 

What you can see inside the area. 

Chicken Inasal is a specialty of Bacolod but it is also adopted in neighboring places such as Bago City. We paid 194 pesos for a meal for two including softdrinks already. The restaurant is also located within the premises of Bantayan Park.

Saint John the Baptist Parish - Bago City

Afterwards, we went back to the city proper and rode a "double tire", a term they use to call a hybrid of bus and jeepney combined, to Ma-ao. It cost us about 20 pesos each and the picture below is where we had our stop to ride the tricycle to Kipot Falls. Within a short period of time it rained heavily and it affected our itinerary. When you go travel to different places, you will also notice the differences in the design of their tricycles. Look closely at the tricycles at Ma-ao, Bago. 

So we hired a tricycle instead for 300 pesos to bring us to Kipot Falls and back to Ma-ao. If it didn't rain and caused as delay, we could have only paid 15 pesos each to Kipot Falls and another 15 pesos back. Well since we were running out of time this was the best option for us.

Which also means that we get to request the driver to stop if we would like to take photos along the way. So here are some of them.

This was already taken inside the vicinity of the falls. There is no entrance fee. What's great about travelling in Negros province is that we have noticed that we didn't get to pay entrance fees in places we have visited. There are also cottages inside where you can have a picnic. There was a caretaker in the are who did not also accept the tip we gave him. Amazing isn't it? That gave me hope for the Philippines and to humanity as well. 

Kipot falls, everyone. The water is muddy due to the heavy rain. There's so much in nature and every peso we spent was worth it all. So after the falls we went back to Ma-ao and rode a "double tire" to Bacolod City. Thus our journey continues.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Discover Guimaras: Barangay Morobuan, Jordan

For the past few months I have been only exploring the the concrete jungle of Manila. But when I went home to Guimaras I have been very lucky to have come with my cousins to Brgy. Morobuan to visit our new in-law, Manang Christy, my oldest cousin, Nonoy's wife. Anyway, Nang Christy lives in this place so the family decided to give them a visit last Saturday. Surprise, surpise, these sceneries gave me an adrenaline rush and I went ahead and explored the place.

We first went to Nang Christy's house and these were the sceneries along the way.

This is the first bridge that we crossed.

The second bridge. Bamboo bridges are often used in Guimaras to cross rivers like this.

Their house was actually situated at a very steep side of the hill. I wasn't able to take a photo because I was very excited to check out the beautiful scenery they were talking about. Anyway, you can just imagine how they carried the construction materials to the location to build their house. Not to mention how difficult it is to get fresh water. It's amazing to discover that there are still people who live in simplicity and can carry on living no matter how difficult their circumstances may be.

We still had a long way to go before reaching the topmost part of the mountain in order to see the view. Good thing that it was cloudy when we decided to go for a hike.


Alas! We've reached the top and the scene was breathtaking. Never did I expect that time that I, too, will climb the other mountain you can see on the right side of this picture.

In order for us to reach the other side to climb the other mountain, we had to ride on a boat. As you can see the distance is really close but the tide was coming and the current was too strong for us to swim across. Also not all of us are good swimmers or even know how to swim.

On the other side, we had to go through this path and climb our way up.

The scene halfway through.

This is the view opposite of the first mountain we climbed. So much greeneries in one picture it makes my heart flutter. The sight of this makes me love life even more.


At the top of the mountain is a grotto of Mama Mary which overlooks the seaside.

TAAAADAAA! This is epic! Can't find the right words to describe it. Feelings are just overflowing.

Our trip to the beach won't be complete without island hopping. This is my baby brother, Daniel, yes still a baby, waiting for the boat.

There aren't that many islands in the area, only those islets or just a really big rock with a tree or two growing on it. Those boys don't know how lucky they are enjoying clean and unexploited beaches like this.

After our island hopping we ate our picnic lunch and went home after. I guess we spent 3 hours from 9 am to 12 pm that day for this. Yes, it was a brief adventure but I made sure I took plenty of pictures to remember this day. Till next time!